07.12.2022 | Zeus3 Rounds 30x Wall Balls with 9kg / 6kg 30x Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 35kg / 25kg 30x Box Jumps for 51cm 30x Push Presses with 35kg / 25kg Row for 30kcal / 24kcal 30x Push-Ups 10x Back squats BWVon Tobias Zogg|2024-06-10T07:48:04+02:007. Dezember 2022|wod|0 KommentareShare This Story, Choose Your Platform!FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingE-Mail Über den Autor: Tobias Zogg Ähnliche Beiträge13.01.2025 13.01.2025 10.01.2025 10.01.2025 09.01.2025 09.01.2025 Grind Grind