3 Runden 21x Push-Ups 12x Hang Power Cleans 1000m / [...]
3 Runden 21x Push-Ups 12x Hang Power Cleans 1000m / [...]
10 Runden 30x Double Unders 3x Deadlifts
Every 3:00 min for 7 sets 2x Power Cleans 2x [...]
21-15-9 of Toes to Bar Burpees Wall Balls
5 Runden 5x Muscle-Ups 10x Box Jumps 20x Sit-Ups
AMRAP 12min bike / row for 36kcal / 24kcal 72x [...]
100x Hang Power Snatches with 30kg / 20kg 100x Push [...]
For time 20x Dumbbell Strict Presses with 22.5kg / 15kg [...]
5 rounds of 3x deadlifts
10 x 1min rounds 5x back squats 60-70% of 1-rep-max [...]