Hero-WOD Murph
For Time 1600m Run 100x Pull-Ups 200x Push-Ups 300x Air [...]
For Time 1600m Run 100x Pull-Ups 200x Push-Ups 300x Air [...]
6 Rounds of 10x Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 30kg [...]
3 Rounds 800m Run / S: 600m 12m Handstand Walk [...]
for time: 5-8-13 deficit handstand push-ups double-DB deadlifts then… 27m [...]
AMRAP 12min 12x Deadlifts with 70kg / 47kg 12x Bar [...]
for time 1000m Row then, 5 rounds: 25x Pull-Ups 7x [...]
5 sets 3x shoulder presses – Build to a heavy [...]
12min AMRAP 10x Dumbbell Snatches with 22.5kg / 15kg 10x/8x [...]
Strength 5 Runden 10x Bench Presses Skill Max L-Sit
Weightlifting 5 Runden 1x Snatch Balance +1 OH Squat WOD [...]