Lift Heavy
Strength 1RM Deadlift 15minDeadlifts find your 1RM in 15min WOD [...]
Strength 1RM Deadlift 15minDeadlifts find your 1RM in 15min WOD [...]
8 Runden 20x Burpees /12 Max Double Unders
9x Back squats 9x Back squats 9x Back squats 6x [...]
21min AMRAP 10x Thrusters 15x Pull-Ups 50x Double Unders
12min AMRAP 3x Pull-Ups 2x Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 1x [...]
1x Muscle Clean 1x Power Clean 1x Squat Clean 1x [...]
3 Runden 25x Toes to Bar 25x Deadlifts with 100kg [...]
12min AMRAP 10x Thrusters 10x Pull-Ups
Weightlifting 5x Snatches 4x Snatches 3x Snatches 2x Snatches 1x [...]
5x Overhead Squats 5x Overhead Squats 5x Overhead Squats 3x [...]