Yes Burpees!

3 Runden
25x Toes to Bar
25x Deadlifts with 100kg / 75kg
25x Burpees

Yes Burpees!2023-01-11T07:18:53+00:00

Snatch it

5x Snatches
4x Snatches
3x Snatches
2x Snatches
1x Snatches

30sec on 30sec off
Max Power Snatches @ 50%
6 Rounds

Snatch it2022-12-21T06:14:07+00:00

14.12.2022 | Heavy Day

5x Overhead Squats
5x Overhead Squats
5x Overhead Squats
3x Front Squats
3x Front Squats
3x Front Squats
1x Back squats
1x Back squats
1x Back squats
btw sets 5 strict m-up

14.12.2022 | Heavy Day2022-12-14T07:49:43+00:00

Öffnungszeiten Feiertage

Samstag 24.12. Open Gym 09:00 bis 11:00 Uhr
Sonntag 25.12. geschlossen
Montag 26.12. Special WOD 09:00 – 11:30 Uhr

Samstag 31.12.22 Open Gym 09:00 bis 11:00 Uhr
Sonntag 01.01.23 geschlossen
Montag 02.01.23 normale Öffnungszeiten

Öffnungszeiten Feiertage2022-12-07T16:21:11+00:00

07.12.2022 | Zeus

3 Rounds
30x Wall Balls with 9kg / 6kg
30x Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 35kg / 25kg
30x Box Jumps for 51cm
30x Push Presses with 35kg / 25kg
Row for 30kcal / 24kcal
30x Push-Ups
10x Back squats BW

07.12.2022 | Zeus2022-12-07T06:25:26+00:00

05.12.2022 | Squat and Jerk

3 Rounds of:
3x Front Squats
3x Jerk
2min of Rest each Round

3 Rounds of:
2x Front Squats
2x Jerk
2min of Rest each Round

3 Rounds of:
1x Front Squats
1x Jerk
2min of Rest each Round

05.12.2022 | Squat and Jerk2022-12-05T06:33:27+00:00


13min AMRAP
10x Shoulder to Overhead
10x Chest to Bar Pull-Ups


23.11.2022 | Gymnastic

7min AMRAP
1x Wall Walks
2x Strict Handstand Push-Ups
3x Bar Muscle-Ups

5x Pistols links/rechts
5x Pistols links/rechts
5x Pistols links/rechts
5x Pistols links/rechts
5x Pistols links/rechts

23.11.2022 | Gymnastic2022-11-23T06:18:26+00:00
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