30min AMRAP Bike for 25kcal 25x Wall Balls Row for [...]
30min AMRAP Bike for 25kcal 25x Wall Balls Row for [...]
For Weight 5x Deadlifts@ 85% 5x Deadlifts@ 85% 5x Deadlifts@ [...]
14min AMRAP 10x Dumbbell Hang Snatches 20x Pull-Ups 30x Double [...]
5 Runden Row 30/24cal Max Push-Ups 2min Work 3min rest
For Weight 2x5 Clusters 3x3 Clusters 4x1 Clusters
Am ersten März Wochenende starten die CrossFit Opens 2025, ein [...]
6 Runden 7x Front Squats@ 70% 1min of Plank 3min [...]
For Time 100x Crossovers 50x Kettlebell Swings with 24kg / [...]
5 Runden 10x Power Snatches with 50kg / 35kg 20x [...]
15min AMRAP 30x Air Squats 8m Handstand Walk into 12 [...]