21.07.202021-15-9 Thrusters with 40kg / 30kg Pullups 15-12-9 Thrusters with 50kg / 37.5kg Chest to Bar Pullups 12-9-6 Thrusters with 60kg / 42.5kg Bar MuscleupsFor TimeVon Tobias Zogg|2024-06-10T07:48:51+02:0021. Juli 2020|wod|0 KommentareShare This Story, Choose Your Platform!FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingE-Mail Über den Autor: Tobias Zogg Ähnliche Beiträge14.02.2025 14.02.2025 13.02.2025 13.02.2025 Heavy and Hard Heavy and Hard 11.02.2025 11.02.2025