25.09.20192 rounds for time of: 100x Double Unders 20x Overhead Squats with 52.00kg / 36.00kg 100x Double Unders 12x Muscleups 100x Double Unders 20x Dumbbell Snatches with 22.50kg / 15.00kg 100x Double Unders 12x Bar MuscleupsVon Tobias Zogg|2024-06-10T07:49:22+02:0025. September 2019|wod|0 KommentareShare This Story, Choose Your Platform!FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestVkXingE-Mail Über den Autor: Tobias Zogg Ähnliche Beiträge24.01.2025 24.01.2025 23.01.2025 23.01.2025 21.01.2025 21.01.2025 20.01.2025 20.01.2025